Community Outreach:
Embracing our mission
We established the Oronoco Food Shelf 10 years ago and have housed it ever since. It is our honor and our joy to open our doors to all who are in need. We serve in partnership with Channel One as well as the Oronoco community.
Open the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month
5:00-6:30 p.m.

Dorothy Day House
Rochester, MN
Twice a year, we provide and help serve a meal at the Dorothy Day House in Rochester, MN. It's a chance for us to get to put into action the gospel that we proclaim: a gospel of compassion, service, and care.

Benefit Bags
We fill benefit bags for the Ronald McDonald House, the Dorothy Day House, and the Women's Shelter. These bags include things like toys, books, games, personal care products, and so on.
Financial Support
Our mission group, called the People of the Church, is made up of exactly who it says: the people of the church. They meet a few times a year to decide where to distribute our mission money. This money goes to a wide variety of causes including:

Missionaries in South Sudan
The 2nd Sunday of every month is designated as our Spare Change Sunday. Our kids help collect everyone's spare change for a special offering that goes to support Revs. Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather and their family as they work with RECONCILE International in South Sudan - a ministry that works for peace by "equipping communities with knowledge and skills for peacebuilding through psychosocial rehabilitation, civic education, and advocacy."
If you would like to help support Revs. Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather in their incredible mission or if you would like to sign up for their electronic newsletter updates, please follow this link.